

sleep problems counselling in london

Sleep Problems.

Sleep problems: One of the most common issues that we can face as individuals is that of a sleeping disorder. The concept of a sleeping disorder can seem quite strange to those who do not suffer themselves. One might wonder how someone could fail to sleep – don’t they feel tired?

The problem is that they do, but unlike others they cannot get the rest, or any rest, to recover dues to their sleep problems. Sleep disorders could be anything from a constantly restless sleep to causing immense, life-draining problems in your standard and day-to-day function. It often causes immense feelings of trauma and sadness, and usually can leave you with a significant challenge to overcome the disorder.

As sleep problems get worst, they can cause you to suffer from substance abuse in a bid to overcome to deal with the stress caused by said disorder. Some of the most common sleep disorders out there include:

  • Insomnia.
  • Narcolepsy.
  • Sleep disorders involving breathing and cardiac issues.
  • Night terrors.
  • Rapid Eye Movement (REM) disorders and issues.
  • Restless leg syndrome.
  • Hypersomnolence disorder.

There are more less common issues involving sleep problems. Most of the time, the problem that you face is likely to fall into some of the problems above. If you are someone who fears that they might suffer from a sleep disorder, then it’s important to do what you can to find some kind of treatment.

Dealing with sleep disorders / sleep problems.

The most important thing that you can do is look to first determine if you have a sleeping disorder. Like any group of dysfunctions / sleep problems, you can find that traits are shared among disorders in the same group. For sleeping disorders, this includes:

  • A sense of persistent fatigue and tiredness without the ability to stay focused for prolonged periods of time.
  • An inability to stay asleep for a long period of time or the ability to fall asleep in the first place.
  • Constant discomfort during the day and when trying to sleep.
  • Anxious, alert behaviour and mood swings relating to rapid changes over small issues.
  • Poor sleep habits including naps during the day, long times spent lying in bed in the morning, excessively early and late bedtimes outside of lifestyle commitments etc.

These sleep problems are among the most common that you might face, though other issues can exist for specific symptoms. However, with that in mind, it’s important to note that treatment and therapeutic care can be among the most effective forms of treatment.

You usually find that treatment stems from things like keeping a sleep diary, forced sleep restriction to create a harmonised sleep routine, control of all stimulants i.e. TV and video games as well as bespoke development of a sleeping plan to try and help analyse your present issues and provide solutions.

Other forms of treatment involve going for therapy. From dark therapy, by restricting lighting in the evening to prevent delays in sleeping times, to cognitive behavioural therapy, many therapeutic paths exist for those who wish to try and tackle their present sleep disorder. The best thing that you can do is take action and try to battle the problem; the sooner you defeat it, the sooner you can restore normality in your life.

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