Cognitive behavioural therapy Bedfordshire
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) Bedfordshire is a short-term, highly focused therapy that has been shown to be the best treatment for numerous psychological problems. Whereas traditional talk-therapy often focuses on early childhood, cognitive behavioural therapy is an active goal-oriented treatment aimed at solving problems and reducing symptoms by focusing on the present. Rather than repeatedly rehashing early experiences and past relationships, cognitive behavioural therapy helps people solve the actual problems they currently face, resulting in greater treatment gains in a shorter period of time. Research has shown cognitive behavioural therapy in Bedfordshire to be among the most effective treatments for depression, anxiety, relationship problems, ADD/ADHD, diet and exercise, smoking cessation, dissatisfaction with life, as well as a host of other psychological needs.
Cognitive behavioural therapy in Bedfordshire involves the use of well-researched self-help skills as homework assignments to actively change thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This home-practice approach allows significant improvement to occur much earlier in treatment than in traditional talk therapy. As a result, cognitive behavioural therapy can help you make changes faster, end treatment sooner, and teach you to become your own best resource to solve problems. Overwhelming research suggests cognitive behavioural therapy is the treatment of choice for most disorders, with numerous studies supporting cognitive behavioural therapy treatment for depression and anxiety.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment designed to alter the damaging negative thought patterns you may have developed about yourself. Maybe thoughts such as, “No one loves me,” or, “I’m not good enough,” come into your mind several times a day. Maybe you’ve developed an intense fear of abandonment or believe others are constantly judging you.
These unwelcome mantras are examples of the type of thoughts that can be modified through CBT. The focus of cognitive behavioural therapy is to look at how your thoughts, emotions, and actions relate to each other, and how you behave as a result. Destructive and irrational belief systems can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse or self-harm. Looking for Counselling Bedfordshire?
By helping you to pinpoint and analyse these negative thought patterns, Cognitive behavioural Therapy can improve your coping abilities and help steer you away from such self-destructive behaviours.
Cognitive behavioural therapy is unique in that is an active therapy, meaning it requires an intense level of participation from both you and your therapist to help you learn and practice healthy coping skills and emotional responses. Your treatment may even require homework outside of therapy sessions.
Through cognitive behavioural therapy in Bedfordshire, you will learn to recognise when involuntary negative thoughts, or automatic thoughts, enter your mind and the triggers that bring them on. By doing this, you can learn to better prepare yourself for when you do get triggered and how to better handle your reactions and emotions to those events.
There is also an element of empathy at work in CBT. You may have felt your perspective has been misunderstood by friends, family, and loved ones throughout your life. Your therapist, through discussion and examination of your point of view, will work to empathise with you, will connect with how you see things, and work to help you understand that your thoughts and feelings are a result of life events and are valid.
Once this foundation is strong, your therapist will help you mentally and emotionally organise those life events that have led you to where you are in your mental health. This is accomplished by slowly moving you through, by questioning and examination of your unique experiences, and showing you the relationship between the emotional distress you have undergone and your resulting damaging belief systems.
What Is the Evidence Behind CBT?
- Cognitive behavioural Therapy has become a popular alternative to managing disorders through medication, and studies over the past several years have shown why.A study by various institutes of health examining the efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy across groups of patients suffering from a wide variety of mental disorders shows that evidence behind the success of cognitive behavioural therapy in Bedfordshire is very strong, revealing that greater improvement was seen in the groups that underwent CBT than those that did not.In fact, studies have shown that cognitive behavioural therapy can be as effective in treating depression as prescription antidepressants are. Instead of simply removing the symptoms of the mental disorder as a medication endeavors to do, the focus of CBT is to remove the disorder by getting to its core and working through the root issues.
Cognitive behavioural therapy Bedfordshire is used in treating a variety of mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse, and anger management. CBT is also used in the treatment of phobias.
Cognitive behavioural therapy Bedfordshire is an effective way to help stop yourself from accepting any type of negative thought patterns that you may have fallen into and focus on recovering from your addiction or psychiatric disorder.
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