

It is normal for any human being to experience trauma and have to start coping with trauma if a traumatic event has occurred. As a result, there are all kinds of physical and emotional reactions that occur because of this. Trauma can happen to anybody. Whether that be an adult or a child. It can strike at any time. In this article, we will have a look at some ways that can assist you with dealing with trauma. We will also discuss how parents can assist children who have been traumatised. Looking for psychologist london ?

So how can trauma be dealt with?

1. Accept your trauma, coping with emotional trauma.

The first thing to do when coping with trauma is to acknowledge that you have experienced a traumatic and horrifying event or situation. Be prepared to make sure you do not get angry and be ready to react in a harsh manner. Stay away from thinking too much about what could have happened if you did something else. Don’t wish it upon another person. Just keep to the fact that this has actually happened. If you accept the situation or event as it is, it will be easier to heal.

2. Get involved with positive activities.

Once you have accepted the event or situation, distract yourself by concentrating and getting involved with worthwhile activities. This will help relieve any pain or bad memories you may be experiencing. Not only this, there are special exercises designed to get your nervous system active again. These exercises might include: games, swimming, walking, massage or dancing. Keep as busy as possible with any positive activities. Bad thoughts or memories will soon start to disappear.

3. Relax yourself.

Practicing relaxation is often recommended by medical doctors when your coping with trauma. Begin by taking ten deep breaths when you are angry or upset. Even when you are not. Other techniques for relaxation include: music, prayer, yoga, massage or stretching. These are very beneficial to your body. You will become peaceful. Your nervous system will begin to readjust to the changes going on. Relaxation techniques can also help you to lessen any negative reactions you may experience.

4. Talk to people.

When experiencing trauma, it is a good idea to tell family members or friends or others who are also coping with trauma, pref in a group therapy session. Be open with what you tell them and you will receive their support. However, never isolate yourself. Tell those whom you trust and who understand you. Do your best to mix with others as much as you can. As you express your feelings, the painful memories will soon be relieved. Writing your feelings down is another good way of expressing them. Do this at a high point when you write. This way you can take more control over your emotions as time goes on.

6. PTSD triggers years later.

Trauma recovery does not happen at the drop of a hat. It can take a long time to heal. Always be patient when coping with trauma. There will still be times where you will experience phobia or panic. Taking drugs or drinking may also occur. Be tolerant of yourself. If you’re a parent who has a child experiencing trauma, here are some ways to help you deal with this.

7. Give your child comfort and solace.

Always remember the age of your child and what their individual needs are. Discuss the traumatic event with them. Do this as openly and as honestly as possible. Give your child opportunity to ask questions and talk about how they feel. Provide security and safety for them. Keep routines as normal and consistently as possible. This will help your child realise that they are secure and soon have a normal life again.

8. Look after the requirements of the child.

Every child has different requirements. The same goes when dealing with trauma. Some may need a lot of hugs. Others will depend on you. Discussions to help them become comfortable may also be required. Be sure to be as sensitive as you can to your child’s requirements. Don’t worry about clingy behaviour. Let the child have their favourite teddy or blanket. The actions of children often show they are fearful and anxious. Accepting their requirements is a must.

9. Be patient when coping with trauma.

Many children will ask the same question repeatedly. Particularly when they are insecure. Always be as patient as you can with them and answer questions as simply and as honest as you can. Let the child tell you how they are feeling. Be sure they feel comfortable in your company.

10. Keep social media away from children.

Trauma can often occur from social media or other media sources. These include: the television, the internet and the radio. If these are on and a child can see such things, it will be harder for children to deal with trauma. Older children can become mislead or frustrated. It is advised that these things are kept away from children as much as possible. Don’t watch, listen or read anything when children are around.

11. Teach and show your child how to manage.

Helping children who have experienced a traumatic event will also help them to deal with negative emotions. Try to distract them from the negative emotions or thoughts. Do this by getting them involved in positive activities. These could include painting or dancing. Encourage the child to play outside. Distracting them will keep their mind off the trauma and their mind and body will be kept active.

If a parent is having difficulty with any of this, it is OK to seek outside assistance. Professional assistance from a Councillor may be the right approach in helping your child overcome trauma. More info.

In this article, we have seen that trauma can affect adults and children. It can occur at any time. To deal with trauma as an adult you can: accept the trauma for what it is, get involve with positive activities, practice relaxation techniques, talk to others and be patient. With children you can: give the child solace and comfort, look after their requirements, be patient, keep them away from social media, and teach them how to manage. If you cannot do this yourself, it is OK to seek professional help from a Councillor.

Hoxton Therapy notice: Never act on any advice given in these articles or videos. Always seek professional help from us before acting on anything you read or watch on this website.