
Couples therapy Bedfordshire

Couples therapy Bedfordshire


As a couple we create a container which holds all our hopes, fears and desires. When a relationship works, it leads to an immensely fulfilling life. However, as many of us find out, it is not always like that. We may realise that the friendship is not what we expected. Our chosen partner is not quite the person we imagined them to be. The container of our couple starts to feel less secure.

Many people are able to adjust to life changes and reshape the relationship, but in some cases, change feels as if the container is breaking up, the foundations are cracking. Disappointment, anger, and fear begin to replace the initial hopes. It is at this point that help is required.

The sooner issues are addressed, the easier they are to work out. Sometimes, couples therapy Bedfordshire is all that is needed, providing a space for the couple to think and to explore their situation.

Couples therapy in Bedfordshire can offer the opportunity to understand the deeper, more unconscious blockages and patterns in a relationship. This frequently links to our earliest and most powerful emotional experiences. Through mutual understanding, a couple often finds new strategies for enjoying their relationship. Looking for Counselling Bedfordshire ?



What happens in therapy ?

Talking to a couples therapist about one’s most private and intimate relationship is a brave thing to do. Seeking professional help is a big step toward dealing with these issues, and it takes courage.

Through experience we know that difficulties between couples are very rarely due to just one person. We are complex individuals with all sorts of fears, hopes, fantasies, and needs. A relationship specialist provides a place where these issues can be explored and expressed without the world coming to an end. Couples therapy is a place in which anything can be said, but these words need not lead to action until a strategy becomes clear.

We all realise that difficulties cluster around major events; for instance, trading the single life for coupledom, having a baby, financial difficulties, sexual differences, career changes, lifestyle changes, or retirement. Therapists understand the diverse feelings that exist in these situations. We help the couple make sense of those experiences.


We offer a space in which difficult feelings can be explored between the couple without judgment or blame. Our role is to provide a safe and informed place in which a couple can become clear about what is happening between them, allowing them to make healthy choices. Therefore, couples can move on and make decisions with greater clarity and understanding.


Through our couples therapy, we help couples more truthfully know themselves and each other. This leads to a better understanding of how their inner selves are affecting their day-to-day, outer lives.


Couples therapy is not an easy process at times. There is much on the line for couples, families, and individuals who are facing such difficulties. The journey may be hard, but the rewards are great. An initial consultation will enable you to discover whether couples therapy will be a way forward for you.


Call to book 02080162477