Since the outbreak of coronavirus lockdown in the UK, research has shown that the rate of depression and anxiety has tripled.
According to experts from the UK, Belgium and Austria, world’s most renowned mental health problems, depression and anxiety has been found to have dramatically increased in April this year compared to the former reports before the pandemic lockdown. Insomnia as a variable was investigated among the 1006 respondents in the study. The responses were analysed by Scientists from the popular university of Sheffield.
There was a little flaw in this study as it did not investigate the period shortly before the lockdown – but apparently, this is because the pandemic severity and lockdown were not anticipated. However, the data gathered from the study was measured against existing prevailing data reports.
About 52% of the participants reported high prevalence of mental illnesses. It is important to note that before the lockdown, statistics showed that there was only a 17% prevalence rate of mental health disorders. And with the present state of research, it clearly shows that there is more than 300% rate of mental illnesses.
Furthermore, among the respondents, only about 28% reported having insomnia. A meta-analysis of research on insomnia across Europe before the pandemic was, however, 7 percent.
Analysis further showed that women, adult participants below 35 years, low-income earners, and those who are unemployed reported experiencing a severe state of mental problems. Participants who are socio-economically disadvantaged also reported having severe mental health problems too.
A scientist from the University of Sheffield, Dr Jaime Delgadillo, noted that the current result calls for attention to look into the mental health issues facing the country.
From time memorial, it is clear that the mental health sector in the UK has suffered from lack of funding. And this has shown in the debilitating effect of mental health conditions of people.
This result hence shows the need for health service providers and UK policy makers to consider the mental health state of the teeming population in a time like this.
Supported by a statement made by Michael Barkham who is a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Sheffield; “the tripled increase found out in the result clearly depicts the high correlation between COVID-19 pandemic and mental health crisis like depression and anxiety.
The findings did not establish a causal relationship or effect; hence, further studies is recommended to establish that – the study suggests.
NHS mental health director, Claire Murdoch stated that the covid19 pandemic would have significantly impaired the mental health of people, at least since the lockdown began. But taking certain steps could help ease the symptoms you’re experiencing. Among the steps suggested are regular exercise, healthy diet, talking to friends, colleagues, and loved ones.
According to the NHS director, people can make good use of accredited self-help online platforms such as Every Mind Matters if they are experiencing a tough time. If the problem persists, the NHS is available to provide online support as well as in-person appointments. Added also are video conferencing and hotline calls – all to give the support everyone needs.