  • Facebook is a social media outlet that millions of individual’s use every day. It is used in all kinds of ways for all sorts of reasons. Some use it for business, others use it to connect with friends, or tell others what they are doing. Others use it to encourage others, share photos and so on. We must however, remember that there is actually more than what meets the eye.

    It has recently been discovered that Facebook status updates from those who have a Facebook account, have revealed the individual personality traits that each individual have. Not only this, but those who posted updates about their partners were found to have low self-esteem. That said, narcissists are highly likely to brag about what they have achieved in life.

    Whilst these findings may already be known, it actually gives more information about what motivates individual’s to post whatever they post onto their Facebook page. No other study has been able to show what motivates individual’s to post what it is they are doing, and the way they are posting this. The responses they get from their posts, ends up having some sort of affect on them. Nobody wants to be known as a narcissist. However, others can see this by the way individual’s interact, behave and act on the internet.

    Many who post status updates on Facebook do not realize that their personality traits can be revealed. A psychologist from the U.K. named Tara Marshall, recently spoken up about this. She also acknowledged it is vital to understand why individual’s post what they post on Facebook. This is because they know what will get comments or likes. Those who get a lot of likes and comments on what they post, get the most of the advantages of social inclusion. Those who don’t get such likes and comments will feel let down.

  • To understand how personality traits are known from Facebook posts, five hundred and fifty five active Facebook users took part in an interview. They each did a survey that was conducted on the internet. This was designed to discover five major personality traits individual’s have. These included: neuroticism, agreeableness, extroversion, contentiousness, and openness. Self-esteem levels were also a part of the survey. This also showed what their tenancy was towards narcissism.

    Whilst individual’s took part in the interview, they were also asked how often they posted on Facebook. They were asked what their status updates were mostly about and why they chose Facebook to post updates on. Those who sent the interview out, focused on what individual’s received likes and comments from the updates they posted.

    The outcomes of the interview were as follows:
    A. Those who were contentious posted updates about their children. B. The extroverts used Facebook to connect with individual’s who are similar to them. They also posted about their social life. C. Those who were open generally posted intellectual posts. D. Those with low self-esteem would usually post about their partners. E. Narcissist individual’s need to have validation. They would make regular posts about their own achievements. This would include their time at the gym or what their diet was like.

    The interview also showed that narcissists were the ones who had the most amount of likes and comments. This also encouraged them to keep posting more updates and boast about their achievements.

    Tara Marshall has also said: Whilst the outcomes have shown that narcissists who brag, will have gained many advantages from all the likes and comments they receive. It is also possible that likes and comments are only there out of politeness. Those who comment or like may actually not like the posts from narcissists at all.

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  • Marshall also made the point that: The more aware we are of why individual’s post what they post, then those topics can easily be avoided. Rather than being entertaining, they become annoying.

    Studies have also shown that those who appear to be insecure of the relationships they have, are actually the one’s who post on Facebook the most. This includes writing on the walls of other users, making comments on photos and other updates. This is just so that they can get attention from others. Those with anxiety would display higher levels of attention seeking on Facebook. They would be concerned about what other thought of them.

    Once the study was over, the outcomes were then placed into the personality journal. Those who did this study, want to do further research on how particular status updates on topics would be received on Facebook. They also want to discover how much an individual who post such updates is liked.

    If you have a friend who is sharing too much information about their life, but you have not actually spoken to them for a long time, but you can see what they are up to on Facebook, then don’t judge them too harshly. Perhaps it is time to actually catch up with them over the phone or in person instead.

    At this present times, there is a constant discussion about what is coming out in physiological science. Pop culture is also being discussed. It is being questioned whether Facebook really does represent a healthy or unhealthy medium for emotional and relationship requirements.
    As we have seen, it is very evident that those who are like the narcissist, or who are needy on Facebook, are probably like this in reality in real life. Likes and comments are probably helping them to keep on going and post what they are posting. When using Facebook and other social media, it is advised that this gets used wisely, positively and in the correct way. This article has warned you of the dangers that come with it. Always try to be aware of how Facebook posts might affect you, or how they may come across to others. Work out what topics are best to keep off Facebook. Post positive updates, and others will see you as a positive person.

  • To understand how personality traits are known from Facebook posts, five hundred and fifty five active Facebook users took part in an interview. They each did a survey that was conducted on the internet. This was designed to discover five major personality traits individual’s have. These included: neuroticism, agreeableness, extroversion, contentiousness, and openness. Self-esteem levels were also a part of the survey. This also showed what their tenancy was towards narcissism.

    Whilst individual’s took part in the interview, they were also asked how often they posted on Facebook. They were asked what their status updates were mostly about and why they chose Facebook to post updates on. Those who sent the interview out, focused on what individual’s received likes and comments from the updates they posted.

    The outcomes of the interview were as follows:
    A. Those who were contentious posted updates about their children. B. The extroverts used Facebook to connect with individual’s who are similar to them. They also posted about their social life. C. Those who were open generally posted intellectual posts. D. Those with low self-esteem would usually post about their partners. E. Narcissist individual’s need to have validation. They would make regular posts about their own achievements. This would include their time at the gym or what their diet was like.

    The interview also showed that narcissists were the ones who had the most amount of likes and comments. This also encouraged them to keep posting more updates and boast about their achievements.

    Tara Marshall has also said: Whilst the outcomes have shown that narcissists who brag, will have gained many advantages from all the likes and comments they receive. It is also possible that likes and comments are only there out of politeness. Those who comment or like may actually not like the posts from narcissists at all.

    As with all issues written about on this website, please seek help from a trained professional before acting on any information in this article.

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